How to engage the client in the site content: 4 tips

How to engage the client in the site content: 4 tips

It is very easy to fall into such a trap as “we are so busy creating content that we lost the purpose, why we do it at all.” Of course, all the work is rewarded with clicks and actions, but do not forget that the goal of all content management is to attract and retain the target audience and as a result – profit. Is your content capable of this? If not, read 4 tips to help you become effective.

1. Tell the stories

“Skilful writing of texts and the ability to tell stories will give you an advantage over competitors,” Alex York writes in the Sprout blog. “Telling stories, you kindle interest and involve your audience in the conversation. The strategy of your content management should be completely focused on getting readers to talk about your brand and discuss it”. Hire writers to help your brand find and develop your own voice. “Your content should have a unique style that will stand out among the others in your field.”

2. Conduct research

“The most effective content is not information about the company, the product or yourself,” PriyAnka DeSay writes in YourStory. “On the contrary, it starts with identifying the problem point of your audience and proposing a better solution to this pain (of course, your decision). Put the interests of customers above your own, to build a trusting relationship”. Without research and analysis, you are simply wasting time and effort creating content that is absolutely useless to your readers. “It also includes analyzing your competitors, the market for your service or product, researching the desires, fears and problems of your customers.” Write content that your customers need instead of writing what you think will be useful. The most common mistake is to try to show with all your strength how gorgeous your product or service is, rather than filling their importance for the client by curing their pain.

3. Build trust using numbers

“In today’s marketing environment, trust is very difficult to earn,” writes Dan Shewan in the WordStream blog. “With the constantly declining quality of journalistic articles, it is understandable why many readers doubt the so-called “facts”and perceive them coldly. Therefore, it is so important to back up your words with numbers, statistics, analytics”. Shewan insists that the use of statistics is as self-evident as spelling check. “Always confirm your idea with statistics and figures. If you refer to an analyst to prove your idea, make sure that you are doing it properly, possibly including links to the original source. You do not want your studies to be issued for somebodie’s, right?”

4. Quality above all

“The benefits of content marketing will only exist if it’s quality,” Neil Patel wrote in Outgrow. “Each text should carry a certain value. It is better to publish one absolutely perfect article once a month than 30 ordinary ones. Can you write more than one? Great! But remember that quality is always more important than quantity. ” Second-class content not only doesn’t help your brand, but it can also hurt. Referring to the results of the study, Tony Dilmercado writes that 93% of respondents reported that interesting quality information on the site pushes them to view the company’s products and 94% said that the banal uninteresting content harms their opinion of the brand. “If you really want to involve a client, your content should be even more catchy than the trends. Also, make sure that you have studied the research topic well enough”.