Increase the conversion of your website

Increase the conversion of your website

For each owner of the website, created for active sales, the main task is a stable and high-quality increase of them. How to make so that visitors of a site smoothly and confidently passed from sector “came-looked” in sector “chose-bought”? It is this issue that we will address today and try to find the right answer to it.

You probably paid attention to how in the markets or in the shops many potential buyers of this or that product remain potential buyers, that is, passive spectators, not active bidders. What do you think are the main reasons for this behavior?

Yes, of course, you can say that the reasons for this behavior can be dozens, from carelessly decomposed goods to inflated prices or poor quality. But, did you pay attention to what are the chances to sell two identical sports outfits with almost identical brands and prices for them for two completely identical sellers?

Surely you noticed that the seller, whose goods are laid out neatly and price tag placed over each of the costumes, is fitted more often than someone who still has to ask how much it costs. You will be surprised, but the Internet buyers are just the same lazy, and sometimes even lazier than in the boutique or the market. Moreover, they already show their desire not to spend much time and energy on the purchase, carrying out its search on the Internet network. Thus, you can identify the first feature that a well selling online store should have a simple product location and a clear indication of its benefits and prices. Yes, it is the design of the site that largely determines whether the visitor will go to the rank of the buyer.

It is quite natural that ordering services to promote the portal, the customer means that SEO specialists will not only bring the site to the first page of search, but also significantly increase the number of real buyers. For more professional formulations, let us begin to call things by their proper names.


Each website promotion customer is interested not only in the total number of people who came to the pages of the site, but what percentage of this number bought goods the site offers. This percentage is called “conversion” and should always strive for growth. But does the conversion depend on the specialist? After all, SEO is promoting certain pages of the site, so-called entry points, in the top ten of the first page of search results, and then? The website can be entered up to 300 visitors a day, but real purchases will be 1-2 per week. And how do you know why this happens? And then we should go back to our showcase on the market and compare. Is our “entry point” attractive to the buyer? Is there enough information on it to make the visitor want to buy thing? Whether it is interesting to place the goods, whether the prices and advantages of the offered positions are clearly visible, and, importantly, whether our potential buyer sees a “buy” or “order” button, or in order to make a purchase, he needs to go over and over again any link on the site?

Here we came to the main question: many visitors but little buyers, for what reason the people who has been brought to the site by search engine offers, left the website without purchases? A detailed and careful analysis of visits and withdrawals from the pages of the site, which can be tracked using the Google Analytics service will help to answer this question. After a detailed study, you can see the features that characterize the main reasons for leaving the site without buying. Among the frequently occurring can be such:

  • mandatory registration on the site, without which it is impossible to buy anything.  Agree, when you came to the site, where you found what you need, but before you place an order you are asked to fill out a bunch of fields with personal information, this will necessarily stop you, therefore, if possible, it is better to abandon this procedure.
  • an offer to get acquainted with an identical product on other pages. This moment seems to knock down a potential client from his main task, he seems to have already found what he was looking for, and you take and offer him something else, why?
  • the need to repeatedly go to the website pages, introducing all the new search parameters. For high conversion, it is necessary, that no more than 3 clicks are passed from the click of the mouse, by which the buyer entered the page of the site before the click “buy”. Accordingly, and no more than 3 pages. 2 are better.

Thus, we come to the following conclusions. In order to keep the visitors on the site, the pages should be neatly decorated, the goods placed in a clear order, the prices were visible directly on the page and not “under” the goods, the “buy” button was bright and well visible, and the number of necessary transitions to obtain the most complete information on the goods and ordering is minimized.

As the practice of increasing the conversion shows, a good result is provided by online stores with a simple and affordable design, a clear classification of goods, simple methods of payment and delivery, and bright buttons “buy”, “share”, “discount”.